Animation Showreel

3D Animation is a powerful form of visual communication in medicine, it is a brilliant way to bring anatomy to life in a clear and accessible way. This is a showcase of ImMeds best work that includes surgical procedures, medical devices and anatomical animations. All 3D models included in this showreel have been built individually inhouse.


CLINICAL Procedures

Sometimes its hard to visualise internal anatomy on the the outside. This is a problem shared both with healthcare professionals and patients. 3D surgical animations are a great way to break down complex procedures that are simple to understand and easy to access. By using custom built 3D models you can create clinical realism and emphasise key anatomical structures.


3D Anatomy

Is there a specific area of anatomy that you would like to highlight?

Use 3d animation to strip back the layers to show how our weird and wonderful body works.


2D Animation

Bring your illustrations to life and turn them into 2d animation. If you are trying to demonstrate a simple point, motion graphics is the perfect platform to support your presentations, lectures or other teaching methods.